Monday, January 12, 2009

A few extra won't hurt anyone!

Well today was a very busy day for me...I ran all day looking and buying things for the baby. The family shower is this Sunday and I'm very sure I had enough gifts to take....but a few extra couldn't hurt anything. So that is what I did....just a few extra...Lauren is going to be so SPOILED...but I have always heard that is what grandchildren are for to spoil!! So I am going to do my fair share! I also had lunch with a couple of friends that I used to work with...we had Mexican food and I very much enjoyed the visit and all the conversation! Sometimes I miss being around the girls....since I am working at home now...I am either by myself or Stoney with me 2 out of 3 days!

With the shower being this weekend I am also getting ready for my sister to come in..she will be staying here with Stoney and I...along with my neice and nephew. I went to Michaels today and got a couple little projects for them to do while they are here...maybe occupy them a little bit. I am thinking that Mallie and I might make some cookies..if we have time. Jen will be in on Sat morning and we are going to go to James & Scarlets so she can see the Nursery and then off shopping in Tyler. I look forward to my sister time...I wished we had more together than we do, but when we are together we have FUN!

So tonight I went down to my MIL house to see exactly what the plans were for the shower...where the tables were going to go...where the food was going to be placed...etc...when I came back....guess what I started doing...I came to BLOG!
I am going to start getting the gifts together and get them wrapped and taken care of so I don't have to worry about that any longer. Also because Jackson and Winnie our doggies...seem to like the toys and think they are for them!

I also wrote to cousins daughter who was due 3 weeks before Scarlet, but due to complications they are inducing her labor on Wed, so Cannin..a little baby boy will be here 3 weeks early...please everyone keep them in your prayers.

Well I gotta go get my duties done for the night....till next time...

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